Friday, June 27, 2008

first 5K this decade

In elementary school and junior high I was forced to run on a daily basis. I was pretty bad compared to the rest of my class (best mile: 8:32, best 3 mile: 28+; both times among the last five finishers) and so I grew to hate running.

Nowadays I run on a treadmill at least once a week for 4+ miles, but for some reason the idea of running outside is still a little outside my comfort zone.

Last week, the gym at work was advertising a 5K fun run with T-shirts and prizes, and I told myself that if I could get someone else to run with me, I'd sign up. Several people that I talked to all signed up, so I did too. And I ran.

I finished in 29:27, making me 74th out of 127th, about which I'm quite pleased. I guess my standards are lower now.

After spinning class that afternoon where I biked another 17K or so, I treated myself to dinner at Old Port Lobster Shack. I ate an entire lobster roll (plus coleslaw, plus chips), and probably 8 or 9 Rhode Island mid-neck clams. Yum!

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