Monday, October 27, 2003

New York, New York

I'm visiting my sister in New York City in two weeks.

I love the Bay Area best of all the places I've lived, but from time to time, I do miss the craziness of NYC. I was only there for one summer, it was a totally different life, and I'm pretty sure I would have been exhausted at the age of 30 if I had stayed, but sometimes I wish I could go back for another three months or so. It's just not the same when you visit.

Things I miss:
- subways, subways, everywhere (and stations that are open all the time)
- walking around Battery Park amongst the suits during lunch (although I didn't enjoy the wearing part)
- corporate car service (thank you Goldman Sachs)
- hanging out after work at McSorley's, a Irish pub/dive serving exactly two types of beer, "light" and "dark"
- Broadway shows, off-Broadway shows, and way way off-Broadway shows
- concerts at Jones Beach
- outdoor showings of old movies in Bryant Park
- Central Park: rollerblading, chilling on the grass, just looking at it from someone's apartment on the Upper East Side
- never getting ID-ed (and I was a young-looking 21, that year)
- being out and about at 4am and seeing streets full of people
- chancing on a random street festival, staying for awhile, and having a blast
- authentic Russian food, Jewish food, Italian food, Irish food, Chinese food...
- lots of lovely old bookstores and trendy new coffeehouses to sit and read in

Now I'm all nostalgic.


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