The Super Bowl was actually worth watching, for once. I didn't really care who won, so I just wanted to see a good game, and I did. We were all laughing about betting on the over line after the first quarter; who'd have thought the Panthers and the Patriots (ranked 16th and 17th in total offense, respectively) would put together a 37-point fourth quarter? I loved the direct snap to Antowain Smith that resulted in a New England touchdown early in the fourth; that's gotta be one of TMQ's sweet plays of the week.
It's a good thing the game was so good, because the commercials sucked beyond belief. I also don't really understand the way everyone is reacting to the Janet Jackson mishap. I guess it's to be expected that all the conservatives are out there brandishing the "think of the children" card, but what child hasn't seen a breast? I guess it's possible no one breastfeeds anymore. I find it much more disturbing that her top was ripped off, and much less disturbing that she was topless. That piercing of hers is also a bit disturbing, I suppose. But seriously, we really do have ridiculous hangups about nudity in this country. If Janet really didn't expect Justin to rip off her top, then what we have is a clear case of assault. If she did expect it, then I think it's stupid of her to pretend otherwise.
To end on a brighter note...according to MMQB, the Richardson family (owners of the Carolina Panthers) sent every one of their 400 club and stadium employees, plus one guest each, to the Super Bowl. They chartered 3 planes for 800 people, bought 800 Super Bowl tickets, and paid for 400 hotel rooms. That's a lovely thing to do, plain and simple.
7 years ago