Wednesday, April 27, 2005

paper, please

The network went down today around lunchtime, so I couldn't use IM to coordinate my lunch plans. My first thought was to call around, but it turns out that I use the phone so little that I don't remember the phone numbers of any of my coworkers. I would have looked in our online directory, but the network being down, that wasn't an option. Finally I decided to just walk over to people's desks.

Unfortunately, I work at a company that is very fond of moving people around. I tried two different desks before realizing that both people had moved in the past month, and I had no idea where they sat anymore. And, again, this was information that would normally have been found in our online directory.

I did manage to find some coworkers to eat lunch with, but after I got back and found everything up and running, I copied down about ten phone numbers on a sticky note, and posted it on my monitor for future use.

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