The Washington Post has a fascinating new tool they call the U.S Congress Votes Database.
Basically, you can look up every vote by the House or Senate, all the way back to 1991. You can see what each bill/resolution was about, and see who voted for or against it. You can see which Congresspersons missed the most votes, which bills passed by the largest and smallest margins, and which votes were held late at night.
Of interest to probably only me:
These representatives voted against reaffirming the Taiwan Relations Act:
Neil Abercrombie, Bob Filner, Raúl Grijalva, Dennis Kucinich, Barbara Lee, Zoe Lofgren, Betty McCollum, Jim McDermott, George Miller, James Moran, James Oberstar, David Obey, Nick Rahall, Pete Stark, Jim Turner, Maxine Waters, Butch Otter, Ron Paul.
These representatives voted against the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act:
Neil Abercrombie, Joe Baca, Tammy Baldwin, Thomas Barrett, Earl Blumenauer, Bob Borski, Michael Capuano, Gary Condit, John Conyers, Danny Davis, Peter DeFazio, William Delahunt, Lloyd Doggett, Calvin Dooley, Lane Evans, Bob Filner, Alcee Hastings, Baron Hill, Maurice Hinchey, Darlene Hooley, Jesse Jackson, Stephanie Jones, Paul Kanjorski, Dennis Kucinich, John LaFalce, Tom Lantos, Barbara Lee, Zoe Lofgren, Robert Matsui, Jim McDermott, James McGovern, Cynthia McKinney, Carrie Meek, David Minge, Patsy Mink, James Moran, Jerrold Nadler, Richard Neal, James Oberstar, David Obey, John Olver, Major Owens, Donald Payne, Collin Peterson, Owen Pickett, Earl Pomeroy, Tim Roemer, Bobby Rush, Martin Sabo, Jan Schakowsky, Robert Scott, José Serrano, Ike Skelton, Vic Snyder, Pete Stark, Ted Strickland, Mike Thompson, John Tierney, Maxine Waters, Bernard Sanders, Bill Archer, John Boehner, Vernon Ehlers, Amo Houghton, Jim Kolbe, Jerry Lewis, Jim Nussle, Michael Oxley, Ron Paul, Matthew Salmon.
Unless she disagrees with her late husband, I guess I'll be advising people to vote against Doris Matsui, of California's 5th Congressional District.
7 years ago
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