Friday, September 05, 2008

(vice) presidential politics

I don't watch the Daily Show on a regular basis, but I have friends who do, and they send me clips like this. Brilliant, but almost not funny. More like "WTF???". Bleah.

Honestly, I think John McCain is a good guy and a war hero (although I don't think he should be president) but his VP pick Sarah Palin is really creeping me out.

First there was the whole ethics investigation into whether Palin fired the state police chief because he wouldn't fire her sister's ex-husband.

Then we heard about her book-banning episode. That's two points in the "abuse of power" column.

Next up, de-separation of church and state! Apparently Palin thinks that the war in Iraq is God's plan (sound familiar?).

To top it off, she thinks that God wants us to drill for oil in Alaska. Really? I mean, I'm not religious, so I could be totally mistaken and maybe the Christian God cares about all sorts of trivialities, but that sounds pretty darned specific to me.

I also find it ironic that she line-item vetoed funding for a program that provides a transitional home for teenage mothers. I guess the message is that it's laudable to be a teenage mother ("We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby..." -- Sarah Palin) but only if you have parents who will pay for your housing.

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