Wednesday, August 05, 2009

how do you spend your time?

I thought this graph illustrating how Americans spend their days was pretty cool.

I was surprised by some of the results. For example:
- The average amount of sleep is 8:36. That seems like a lot. I wish I averaged 8.5 hours of sleep. I guess maybe old people sleep a lot?
- Only 20 minutes a day is spent "playing or watching" sports. For women, the number is even lower, at 13 minutes. No wonder we're obese.
- We only spend an average of 3 hours and 25 minutes working. How is this possible?
- 75% of Americans aged 25-64 are employed. Only 67% of women in this group are employed.
- On average, Americans spend 3:02 a day watching TV/movies. College graduates spend 2:08, and people with advanced degrees spend 1:53. People "not in the labor force" (a separate category from the unemployed; usually homemakers, old people, and teenagers) spend nearly four hours per day watching TV.

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